When you think about it, trees are some of the most important organisms on Earth. They provide you with oxygen, clean air, and much more. Unfortunately, only some people appreciate the importance of trees as much as they should. Many people take advantage of trees without thinking twice about them. Below are five things that are hurting your trees:

1. Pruning In The Wrong Season

Pruning in the wrong season can do more harm than good. In the spring, you want to remove old growth to promote new growth; however, in the fall, you should leave old growth in place to protect against winter injury. Another issue with pruning in the wrong season is that the changes you make to the appearance of a plant may be unappreciated by the plant or its ecosystem. For example, removing an old, dead branch from a tree in the fall can cause the tree to lose important photosynthesis energy needed for winter survival. As much as you might prefer to prune your trees yourself, a professional tree pruning service in Portland, or wherever you live, will ensure that the job is done right.

2. Overwatering

Overwatering can be a real problem for trees. When water is applied to a tree in excess, the root system can’t distribute the water evenly, and the tree becomes stressed. Overwatering also causes mold and mildew, which can destroy the tree’s leaves and fruit. Furthermore, over-watering raises soil moisture levels too high, leading to fungal growth and other problems. To avoid overwatering your trees, follow these tips:

  • Aim to maintain a consistent water level in the pot by checking it regularly and adding or removing water as needed.
  • Don’t give your tree a lot of water in heavy rainfalls. Let the rain run off the leaves into the soil instead.
  • When watering trees in containers, make sure the soil is moist but not wet.
  • Allow the soil to dry out between watering so that roots can uptake water more efficiently.

3. Fertilizing Too Much

Too much fertilization can do more harm than good to your trees. Overfertilizing will cause the tree to allocate resources toward growing new roots instead of leaves or fruit and can stunt growth overall. Overfertilization can also lead to harmful plant diseases, waterlogging, and drought. 

4. Not Enough Sunlight

In the wild, trees get enough sunlight to grow and thrive. But in many parts of the world, including North America, the buildings and streets block most of the sun’s light from reaching trees. This lack of sunlight is a major cause of tree decline and extinction.

Sunlight determines a tree’s growth rate and health. When a tree gets enough sunlight, it grows tall and big, making new leaves and branches. But when a tree doesn’t get enough sunlight, its leaves turn brown or fall off. And when a tree can’t make new roots down into the soil because there’s too little light reaching the ground, it starts to die.

This problem is especially bad in cities where buildings block most sunlight from hitting roofs and windows. If you look at any map of where trees are growing thickest in cities around the world, you’ll see that they’re almost always near riverbanks or other places with plenty of sunlight flooding in. There are some things people can do to help their trees get more sunlight:

  • Install window coverings that let in natural light (but not direct sun)
  • Remove buildings or parking lots near trees
  • Plant shade trees next to your sunny ones

5. Pesticides

Pesticides are chemicals that are used to kill pests. They can be in the form of liquids, powders, or sprays. Pesticides can harm both plants and animals. They can enter the water supply and affect people who drink or bathe. Some pesticides have been linked with cancer. Studies are still being done on how much pesticide exposure is safe, but it’s best to avoid it if you can. There are many different types of pesticides, so it’s important to know what you’re using and the risks before applying them.


Like most homeowners, taking great care of your trees is probably important to you. But did you know that some things you’re doing may actually be harming your trees? To help preserve these amazing organisms, be sure to avoid the 5 harmful practices mentioned above.

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