Patrick Wood Crusius, a 24-yearold Texas man who was found guity by the federal judge for the mass shooting at El Paso Walmart  labeled himself as a white nationalist.

The convicted Texas man of the mass shooting at El Paso Walmart that killed 23 people and injuring 22 civilians labeled himself as a white nationalist according to The New York Times.

Based on the report of a True Crime Daily, Crosius  targeted El Paso Walmart  because according to him he wanted to “dissuade Mexican and other Hispanic immigrants from coming to the United States.”

As reported by True crime Daily, last Aug. 3, 2019, Crusius drove from his homeland  in Allen, Texas, to  Walmart in El Paso and start mass firing using a semi-automatic rifel mainly targeting  Hispanic civilians.

The convicted Texas man of the mass shooting at El Paso Walmart that killed 23 people and injuring 22 civilians (PHOTO: New York Times)

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Crosius’ Verdict

Crosius, the gunman in mass shooting at Texas  last August 2019 was sentenced to 90 years of life imprisonment as the federal judge laid down his verdict.

He was also sentenced relating to 22 counts acts of hate crime and an additional of 45 counts og firearm violations.

Last February, Crosius pleaded guilty for the mass shooting incident including violations on using firearm during crimes of violence.

The sentence of the mass shooting incident at Walmart Texas was given last July 7.

Upon giving the sentence of the perpetrator of the mass shooting incident, Kristen Clarke the Assistant Attorney General said that this incident “stands as one of the most horrific acts of white nationalist-driven violence in modern times.”

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