Choosing the right plants

Landscaping is the art of arranging and tending to your property’s natural or planted features. No matter what kind of business you operate, having clean, beautiful grounds can generate more customers and make your employees happier. Yet, the world is full of pitfalls to that level of success.

Here is a guide to making sure your property looks its best. Choosing the right plants for different types of spaces and keeping them healthy with proper watering techniques to easy-to-use, low-maintenance ground covers that are perfect for patios or walkways (or anywhere else you need some greenery).

1) Select Ground Covers with the Right Plant Life Cycle

There are two kinds of ground covers — ones that grow indefinitely or for many years and those that need to be replaced periodically. Perennials will grow for many years, but must be replanted, as old plants wither away and die. Annuals also require replanting but live for only one year before dying. Which kind you choose depends on your goals. Choose the perennial plant life cycle if you want attractive, long-lasting ground cover, but do not have time or desire to regularly water and care for it.

2) Replace Wire Fences

Wire fencing is ugly. It isn’t inviting and can even put people off. Yet, it would help if you preserved your business’s property boundary. Try installing contemporary fencing. It’s more attractive and as long-lasting as a wire fence. Want to find an installer? Try searching for commercial fence installation St. Louis to find a trusted supplier.

3) Add Pedestrian Outlooks

A walkway is an extension of a building and gives customers a clear view of your business’s activities and merchandise, so it’s important to have an attractive, well-designed one. Incorporating trees (for shade in the summer and for added foliage in winter) and large, attractive plants is a great way to set off your walkway from the rest of your property.

4) Create Interesting Borders

Borders are an easy way to define a space without having to spend a lot of money. They will also make your walkways look more attractive because they are part of the overall design scheme. Use bricks or natural stones instead of the usual mulch to give your borders a more elaborate look.

5) Use Vertical Space

Think of the vertical space outside your business as an extension of your interior. Using trellises to climb vines or hanging plants from rafters in your patio area can be very attractive and a great way to use that space. If you use trellises and/or rafters for plants, be sure that they are sturdy enough to support the weight of a mature plant, but sufficiently spaced to allow for easy access to the area underneath them.

A little bit of thought, effort, and creativity can make all the difference in the world in how you feel about your business and your property. In this economy, it is important to take every opportunity to bring in customers, so make sure you leave them with a good impression.

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