acne treatment

What is acne?

Acne is ordinary but can sometimes turn into chronic skin illnesses. It takes place when pores block with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. The condition often comes out on the face, neck, chest, or back. Nevertheless, such skin diseases can appear anywhere on the body. Pimples affect teens during puberty because of fluctuating hormones. However, adults can also get them. You should look for effective acne treatment if your symptoms are critical and don’t go away. 

What are the causes of acne?

There is no single culprit for this skin disease. It occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog up hair follicles beneath the skin. Nevertheless, experts consider that more than a few factors may contribute to this blockage, such as the following-

  • Surplus oil production (known as sebum)
  • Bacteria that reside in the skin follicles
  • Small hairs growing through the follicles

What elevates the threat of pimples?

Acne is not just for teens. Any person can get them, even babies. It occurs when the hair follicles in your skin are blocked. The pores are linked to the hair follicles that typically contain an oil gland that produces oily stuff called sebum. When sebum blends with lifeless skin cells, it forms a thick paste. This paste can block the pores, resulting in bacterial growth. At times, bacteria get deep into the skin. It can cause an infection and lead to acne. 

Certain factors can raise the possibility of having pimples. Your dermatologist may tell you these factors while you are undergoing your treatment. Additionally, keeping these factors away even after the healing will be helpful to put off the re-establishment of the skin problem. 

Taking acne treatment on time can help put off complications. Various things can elevate your risk of getting pimples. However, some include-

  • Family history

Having a family record of acne is one of the common triggers. If your parents have pimples, you are also expected to have them at some or other point in time. 

  • Excess weight on the skin

The strain exerted on the skin can act as acne-inducers. The main culprits are helmets, telephones, backpacks, cell phones, or tight collars, which can elicit pimples. 

  • Hormonal fluctuations

The changes in the level of androgen hormones during puberty can cause acne. In addition, menstruation and pregnancy can also act as risk factors for the growth of pimples. 

  • Oily cosmetics

The usage of greasy cosmetics can lead to the blockage of skin pores. It further results in bacterial infection, causing pimples.

Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria exist in the skin. However, it causes zits when comes into action. 

  • Age

Age is one of the risk factors for acne, which you cannot avoid. Although no one asserts that only adolescents have pimples, this age is more likely to develop them. 

How can you get rid of acne scars?

Various choices can help in acne treatment. However, for some people, it can turn severe. Most cases ease off by middle age. Nevertheless, severe cases may prolong into the 30s and beyond. There are several types of acne remedies, including-

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide (Benzac® or Brevoxyl®) is an antibacterial component that assists in clearing up pores of acne-causing bacteria. Moreover, it also has exfoliating characteristics that eliminate lifeless skin cells trapped in the pores, contributing to different types of pimples.

How does this treatment work? 

The remedy works against the bacteria linked with this skin condition. Furthermore, it also unblocks pores and allows the other topical medications you use to work more successfully. This treatment is accessible in several forms, including ointments, gels, creams, lotions, and pads.

How should you use benzoyl peroxide? 

Benzoyl peroxide works excellent when applied to dry skin using a cotton pad. Furthermore, do not wash your face for at least one hour after applying the treatment. The treatment can lose some of its efficiency. After an hour, wash your face or take a shower. The medication can bleach fabrics. For this reason, be sure to use a white cotton pad if you apply this acne treatment while wearing dark clothes.

  • If benzoyl peroxide gets in your eyes, clean your eyes with plenty of water immediately.
  • Ensure using an oil-free moisturizer once or twice a day to prevent dryness.

Topical retinoids

These medications are related to vitamin A. Topical retinoids can help clear pores and treat different pimples. Moreover, they also put a stop to outbreaks. You need a doctor’s recommendation to buy topical retinoids. These products are powerful and can cause serious side effects if used in the wrong manner. 

How should you use these medications? 

Your doctor may inform you to use a topical retinoid once a day at bedtime or more than once a day if needed. Look at the instructions carefully. Using too much retinoid can irritate your skin, especially in the initial days.


Medications such as erythromycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline, can help overcome acne. These kill the bacteria that cause some pimples. Antibioticswork best on pus-filled pimples, as they can’t go through the skin layers to reach the oil glands. In addition, these medications are available in various forms, including gels, creams, lotions, and oral pills.

How do these medications work? 

Antibiotics help control zits by killing the bacteria, which results in causing it. This acne treatment prevents future outbursts and clears up pimples faster than they would heal on their own. Nevertheless, antibiotics cannot decrease the number of oil glands.

How should you use antibiotics? 

To get the best results for zits from antibiotics, follow these steps-

  • Use an antibiotic as instructed by your doctor or mentioned on the product. Too much medicine can elevate antibiotic resistance with time, making it difficult to overcome acne in the future. 
  • Keep the medication away from your eyes, nose, mouth, genitals, or any areas of broken skin. It can irritate those areas.
  • Clean your hands before and after using this medicine. Doing so will help stop the spread of bacteria to other people. Moreover, it can also reduce the number of pimples you get on your skin.
  • Start by using a small number of antibiotics on one or two zits. This will ensure the prevention of allergic reactions. 

If you are using a topical cream, lotions, or gel, follow the steps given below-

  • Use the cream or gel once daily at bedtime for 15 days, and then twice a day daily, or as directed by your dermatologist. 
  • Keep water away from the treated area(s) for at least 1 hour after applying this acne treatment. Doing so can help decrease skin irritation.

However, if you are using an oral antibiotic, consider these steps-

  • Use the medication as instructed on the package or bottle label. 
  • Swallow the tablet with water. Antibiotics work optimum when you take them on an empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.  
  • Stopping the treatment early can elevate your risk of additional infection, which is challenging to the medications. 

How can you treat adult acne naturally?

Zits can be annoying to deal with. They frequently take place in the teenage years and the twenties or thirties. However, sometimes they can also occur in the forties. Several factors can cause pimples, including diet, lifestyle choices, genetics, stress levels, and environmental triggers like pollution.

Here are some home treatments you can look at-

Lemon Juice and Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties, which fight away acne-causing bacteria. Conversely, lemon juice offers the antibacterial feature with the moisturizing effects of honey, making the blend is an effective acne treatment. To use it-

  • Blend some lemon juice in a little amount of raw honey.
  • Apply the mixture to your face for about half an hour.
  • Wash your face.

Coconut Oil and Sugar

Sugar has natural antibacterial and peeling characteristics that assist in dissolving dead skin cells and eliminating them from the skin surface. On the other hand, coconut oil overcomes irritation and inflammation caused by acne. For using it, mix two tablespoons of sugar with a teaspoon of coconut oil and prepare a scrub. Now, apply it to your face and rinse it after about 30 minutes. 


It has an excellent proportion of fiber. Oatmeal helps eradicate surplus toxins from the body while relieving the inflammation in the body. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory features of oats make it a well-working remedy for zits. Use oatmeal in the following way-

  • Apply it to your face.
  • Leave oatmeal there for around 15 minutes. 
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water. 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

It has various medicinal properties. ACV is an effective remedy for zits. It balances the imbalanced pH levels of your skin caused by acne. Moreover, apple cider vinegar also controls sebum production on your skin, assisting in your acne treatment. 

Baking Soda

It is an antiseptic and fungicide, which can make your treatment successful. Baking soda also kills the acne-causing bacteria that live underneath your skin. In addition, it relieves the skin from lifeless cells and unblocks the clogged follicles. For using baking soda for zits, follow these steps-

  • Mix some baking soda with water.
  • Prepare a paste and apply it to your face using a flat foundation brush. 
  • Wash off with warm water.

Green Tea

This home treatment has an excellent proportion of antioxidants, which fight the harmful free radicals that build upon our skin surface with time, causing wrinkles and fine lines. Nevertheless, drinking green tea can help your body eliminate toxins. Ultimately, it diminishes pimples on the outside as well. You can apply green tea to your face using a cotton ball or drink it twice daily.

Egg Whites  

If you are sensitive to eggs, use the egg white from the yolk of one boiled egg. 

  • Apply this blend with a cotton pad.
  • Wait for around 20 minutes before washing off with warm water. 

However, if you are not sensitive to eggs, you can apply egg whites directly to your face for acne treatment.


It is an antiseptic herb, which fights acne-causing bacteria while treating inflammation on the skin surface. In addition, cinnamon also normalizes sebum production on your skin, which can otherwise cause blackheads and clog the pores. For zits, you can –

  • Blend some cinnamon powder with a little amount of honey. 
  • You can also prepare a blend by mixing it with lemon juice.
  • Apply this mixture to your face.
  • Clean it after about 30 minutes. 

How can you prevent zits?

Some things make acne worse in some people. On the other hand, some things help unclog their skin for others. Besides using your treatment, implement preventive steps in your life. These measures can promote quick healing and put off the risk of further outbursts. 

  • Avoid junk foods

Stay away from junk food, such as chips, chocolates, and other sweets. These foods can induce skin diseases like pimples. 

  • Eliminate meat from your diet

Avoid meat as much as possible, as it can induce zits. Instead, make sure to eat fruits and veggies. They have an excellent proportion of antioxidants, which can help your body fight against free radical damage. Ultimately, they can assist in your acne treatment

  • Cut down sugar intake

Reduce your sugar intake, especially fructose, found in processed foods and soft drinks. When you have fructose, it travels to the liver and converts itself into fat, resulting in blockage of skin pores.  

  • Drink water

Ensure drinking enough water every day (at least 8 glasses). Doing so will help eradicate toxins, helping your body heal itself naturally. 

  • Stay away from dairy products

Avoid dairy products. They are a common acne-causing agent. Cut off cheese, milk, and other dairy products from your diet for this reason. You do not have to evade them altogether. However, ensure that they do not become a part of your diet. You can replace cow’s milk with soy or rice milk and cheese with vegan cheese.

  • Consider omega-3 fatty acids

Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet by eating sardines, salmon and other oily fish, flax seeds, and walnuts. These foods are beneficial for skin health and assist your acne treatment.

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