How Are Quran Chapters And Verses Arranged?

The Quran, the holy book of Muslims, consists of 114 chapters with around 6,200 verses in total. Muslims are expected to read or recite each of these every day. At least one verse from the Quran is recited during daily prayers, along with other verses and prayers that are chosen at random by the person leading the prayer (imam). For this reason, it can be helpful to have access to an online copy of the Quran so that you can easily look up specific verses when you’re reading them out loud or participating in group prayers with others at your local mosque.


The Online Quran Academy is an online resource for everything related to the Muslim holy book. This course of study has been designed for students who want to learn more about the Qur’an in a systematic way, as well as those who have a basic understanding of the Qur’an but would like to improve their knowledge. The class is divided into five sections: Introduction, Knowledge of Allah, Understanding Religion, Obedience and Morality, Heavens/Hellfire. The course includes videos with lectures by scholars from all over the world as well as daily lessons that can be downloaded on your phone or tablet.

The Division of the Qur’an into Chapters

The Qur’an is divided into 114 surahs, which contain 30 to 40 ayat each, except for surah 9 that has only four ayats. Surah 1 consists of seven short āyāt (verses), and the last two surahs (114 and 115) contain only one āyah each. The longest surah in the Qur’an is Al-Baqarah (The Cow) with 286 ayat; the shortest surah is Al-Kawthar with three ayat.  Each surah has an introductory sentence, giving the title of the chapter and sometimes an indication of its contents. The Bismillahi ʿr-Rahmani ʿr-Raheem (In the name of Allah, most Gracious, ever Merciful) opening ayat is followed by a brief description on what will be covered in this particular chapter or about Ramadan for example. Verse numbers were not given when Muhammad first recited the Qur’an because Arabic does not have vowels so it was hard to know where one word ended and another began without them. Today however Arabic has 28 letters plus 3 dots so verse numbers are clear enough from context without having been given originally.

The Division of the Qur’an into Verses

The Qur’an is divided into 114 Suras, which are equivalent to chapters. These Suras have varying lengths, the shortest being only three lines while the longest containing 286,000 words. There is no set number of verses per chapter; some have fewer than ten while others may contain over 200. The total number of verses in the Qur’an is 6236.

The Significance of the Quranic Arrangement

The Qur’anic arrangement is also known as Al Furqan. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the order that it is recited. The first revelation was a chapter of what became known as the Mother of the Book or al-Fatiha, which contains seven surahs (chapters). These surahs do not have any verse numbers. The next revelation came down in four different sets of two surahs each. These sets are called hizbs which can be translated as bundles or groups. Each group of two surahs begins with an introduction about its contents or theme. These introductions were given by Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


The 114 surahs in the Quran are arranged from longest to shortestOnline Quran Academy. The longest surah is The Cow at 286 verses, while the shortest surah is The Bee at three verses. The arrangement of the 114 surahs isn’t chronological or thematic; they’re not grouped by size, topic, or date of revelation. Arranging the Quranic text this way was a deliberate decision made by Muslims to help others find passages more easily.

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