With the help of Invisalign, thousands of smiles have been corrected. Because of how much we have used Invisalign to correct people’s smiles and teeth, it is safe to say that there is nothing we do not know about the world-famous aligner. Like everything else people do not know all about, there are bound to be myths surrounding it. This article is aimed at sorting out the common invisalign myths and also debunking them. You can contact us at London Braces for more information and consultation on invisalign treatment.

Common Invisalign myths

Invisalign aligners give you a lisp

Although there is some truth to this statement, the problem is not exclusive to clear aligners. All orthodontic treatments can affect your speech, and this also includes braces. You will discover that you will develop a lisp after your braces have been fitted or after you begin to wear aligners. You must also know that some patients do not experience any problems during their orthodontic treatment, and some adapt to the treatment within a few days. The important thing is to keep your braces or aligner on until treatment is completed.

Invisalign and mail-order aligners are the same

Presently, people can order clear aligners online and straighten their teeth at home. While these often work and look similar to Invisalign, you should know they are definitely not the same. Without consultation and supervision of a specialist orthodontist, you may not get the desired result after your treatment.

Invisalign cannot move teeth vertically

The moment Invisalign was first introduced, it changed the way teeth were straightened. The truth, however, is that Invisalign was not nearly as capable as it is now. At first, it was only limited to specific movements and could not pull teeth down vertically. With the introduction of Invisalign attachments which are the small tooth-coloured buttons that give your aligners something to grip onto, Invisalign can now treat cases as effectively as fixed braces.

Invisalign stains and becomes more visible

Ideally, you are meant to change the Invisalign aligners every one to two weeks so that your treatment continues and do not get stained. If you take them out before eating and drinking and always keep your teeth clean, you should not have any problem. To keep your aligners extra fresh, you can buy Invisalign cleaning crystals or retainer tablets. For better results, we equally recommend that you brush your aligners twice daily with antibacterial unscented hand soap and rinse thoroughly afterwards with lukewarm water.

Invisalign is more expensive than fixed braces

There are factors that influence the cost of braces and aligners, including the provider, the location and the severity of the case. In some cases and for some individuals, Invisalign is more affordable than fixed braces. For example, if only your front teeth are misaligned, you could be a good candidate for Invisalign Express, which costs just £2,000.

Invisalign myths are only for teenagers

Some people believe that Invisalign is only for teenagers, but we can tell you that most patients who undergo treatment using Invisalign are over 18. Braces were often associated with teenagers in the past, but now, there is no age limit for Invisalign treatment. The most recent Invisalign braces appeal to people of all ages because of their inconspicuous design. One of the major reasons that Invisalign is highly sought after even by adults is that it is discreet and removable.

Invisalign takes a long time to work

Invisalign does not necessarily move teeth slower than fixed braces or other types of orthodontic treatment. In some cases, it even aligns teeth faster than metal braces. We will show you how your teeth are expected to move and how long it will take for the transformation to be complete during your consultation with us. Through this, you will be able to visualise the journey and the outcome.

Invisalign cannot move teeth

This myth stems from the fact that Invisalign aligners look very similar to removable retainers. We all know that retainers stop teeth from moving back to their initial positions after braces. Because of this, people wonder if the Invisalign aligners are capable of moving teeth at all.

You should know that Invisalign aligners are very capable of moving teeth and straightening smiles effectively. Each aligner set is designed to move your teeth little by little by applying pressure in the right places.

You can get precise results with Invisalign aligners when a specialist orthodontist supervises your treatment. Contact our orthodontists at London Braces if you want to get orthodontic treatment using Invisalign braces in London.  Book an appointment with us to schedule a consultation.

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