healthful eating

Eating healthfully can be a challenge in today’s world. Along with the convenience of food delivery apps, the constant temptation of easily available junk food can weaken anyone’s resolve. Nevertheless, staying the course and eating right most of the time is possible with a few new habits and processes.

Whether it’s because the holiday season’s just passed or you had a moment of weakness, don’t beat yourself up for going off course. Apply these practical strategies to help you get back on track with healthful eating. 

1. Go for consistency

Ideally, your goal should be to make consistent lifestyle changes rather than crash dieting. Focus on eating healthfully permanently rather than losing weight with extreme calorie restriction for a couple of weeks.

For this reason, introducing a small change, say, once a week with realistic, achievable goals can be far more effective. For instance, you could start the first week with a healthful breakfast every day, then have the goal of eating two extra servings of vegetables per day in the next week.

2. Track what you eat

For most people, it’s too easy to lose sight of what’s being consumed throughout the day. Start a food diary to record your meals and snacks. You can use a spreadsheet, a paper notebook, or an app.

As research suggests, food diaries can help you double your weight loss. You’ll gain new insights into your eating habits. As a consequence, you become more accountable and make better food choices. You’ll also be empowered with the details to track your progress. This could encourage you to keep going. 

3. Work out barriers and weaknesses

Identify your hurdles to eating healthfully. Explore how you can overcome these barriers. For example, you might overeat when you’re bored or stressed rather than hungry. For others, it might be a lack of time to prepare wholesome meals.

4. Start with a nourishing breakfast

Starting with a filling, nutritious breakfast can set the tone for the day. By contrast, skipping your morning meal can lead to low energy levels and poor concentration at work. You might be tempted to reach for greasy, sugary snacks and overeat at lunch. 

Fruit, oatmeal, poached eggs, Greek yoghurt, and wholegrain toast are some healthy breakfast ideas to incorporate into your morning routine.

5. Emphasise vegetables and protein

Vegetables are packed with fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Combine these with lean proteins like fish, eggs, chicken, beef, legumes, or tofu and you’ll have the basis for a filling and nutritious meal. 

6. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated with water rather than sugary drinks is crucial for staying healthy. By staying hydrated, you could increase your mental clarity and boost your mood. Hydration can also minimise the risk of constipation and kidney stones, among other unwanted conditions. Also, drinking water before meals could support weight loss.

7. Cook for yourself

Cooking for yourself is a great way to ensure you have complete control over your diet.  With home-delivered meals, you have little say what goes into them. You can end up consuming a lot of high-fat, salt-laden meals with processed ingredients that don’t support your wellbeing. 

What’s more, you’ll save money too. If you’re not big on cooking, rotate a few quick and easy favourite dishes. Keep in mind, frozen veggies and fruits like berries are just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts, so keep these on hand in your freezer for a quick, convenient breakfast or dinner. Try new flavours and recipes if you find you’re getting bored. Prep and freeze meals ahead of time if you have a busy schedule. 

8. Snack healthfully

Clean out your pantry and fridge and keep them free of junk food. Keep healthful snacks on hand. Vegetable sticks, yoghurt, popcorn, boiled eggs, fresh fruit, dark chocolate, and nut bars are nutritious tidbits to consider. They give you a boost of energy and fend off the hunger pangs.

9. Get quality sleep

Getting sufficient sleep can make it easier to resist overeating and gaining weight. By getting enough sleep, you’ll be better able to regulate your body’s weight-control hormones. A general rule is to get around seven to nine hours every night.

10. Allow yourself treats

Allow yourself a treat once in a while, even if it means indulging in an ice cream sundae smothered with chocolate sauce or a greasy pizza. If you completely restrict yourself, it could end up backfiring when you give into pent-up cravings. Indulge now and then but practise portion control and moderation.

11. Join a group

Join a group, online or in person, and get support on your healthy eating journey. You’ll likely stay motivated when you get together with others who are also trying to maintain a healthful-eating routine. 

With a support group, you can also become aware of pitfalls or bad habits like emotional eating and get tips on how to manage them. Share recipes, trade hints, and encourage each other to keep going.


Making practical changes can empower you to meet your weight management and wellness goals. Adopt new habits rather than embarking on an unsustainable crash diet. Track what you’re eating and know your weaknesses. Focus on healthful snacks, veggies, and protein. Aim for more home-cooked meals, and allow yourself a treat every so often. Don’t overlook the importance of staying hydrated and getting quality sleep. With these easy strategies, you could find yourself not just getting back on track but also holding course with eating well.

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