Amy Cooper, a white woman was seen in a CCTV footage with her dog, calling out to the police to threaten a black man lost her job.

Amy Cooper with her dog threatening to call the police: Central Park | NPR

Threatening black bird-watcher

On May 25, 2020,  Amy Cooper was seen in a video in Central Park with her dog, threatening the African man, a black bird-watcher to call the police and say that she was free to unleash her dog in the park. The man was Christian Cooper (not a relative), he took a video of her and that threatens the life of Amy, especially her job.

The video went viral at that time and it reached the investment firm of Franklin Templeton where she worked as a portfolio manager, and in a matter of days only she was fired.

According to Law and Crime’s published article, Amy Cooper was sued for defamation and work discrimination against race and sex on May 2021. Even so, the federal court in New York dismissed Amy’s complaint.

On Thursday, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court supported her dismissal. Her allegation indicated that her former employer was enlaced with her race in which the communications to the public brought a connection against racism that was failed to recognize by the court. According to the judge, discrimination on the basis of race is not entirely the same as the discrimination of alleged racism.

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