Social Security Benefits

A bill was reintroduced again in the House that will increase up to 75% the Social Security benefits of widows and widowers in the country.

Social Security Benefits
Social Security Benefits for widows and widowers could increase. (Photo: Business World)

Social Security Benefits of Widows and Widowers

The Social Security Benefits is one of the sources of money for millions of Americans in the country. This has helped them to meet their daily needs, buy essentials, purchase food, pay their bills, and more. But what happens if one of the couples died? Will it affect your financial status?

In a published article in The Gazette, a bill was reintroduced again in the House that will increase the Social Security Benefits of widows and widowers. In the proposed bill, it was mentioned that it will increase the benefit to 75% of the combined income of both spouses when one of the recipients was still alive.

Typically, when one of the couples dies, the Social Security Benefit significantly dropped to 50% and this affects the financial status of the widow or the widower. The proponents of the new bill want to increase the expected income by an additional 25%.

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Lawmaker Explains the Content of the Bill

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA), who introduced the bill in June, said, “Losing a spouse is devastating, and for those who depend on Social Security, the added financial distress of losing significant income can make an already difficult time even more troubling.”

She also added, “The POWR Act will create an alternative benefit, ensuring widows and widowers can keep paying their bills. I am proud to reintroduce this legislation to give some security and peace of mind to those who have lost a loved one.”

READ ALSO: Another $914 Supplemental Security Income Will Arrive Before June Ends; How To Qualify?

By Neil