The Cumbre Vieja volcano continues unabated to La Palma, where this Tuesday the committee of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan (PEVOLCA) has ordered the evacuation of some 800 residents of Los Llanos de Aridane. The advance of the lava has already devastated 612 hectares and has isolated several areas, where animals are kept, which various associations have promised to feed .

These are the palm companies Volcanic Life and Ticom Soluciones SL, which strive to guarantee the welfare of the animals trapped in the upper area of ​​Todoque, after being surrounded by lava.

The Minister of Security and Emergencies of the Canary Government, Nieves Rosa Arroyo, has reported that this situation was detected five days ago and that, after having carried out the relevant safety studies, Ticom Soluciones SL and Volcanic Life were commissioned with the tasks of feeding and water supply, through the use of drones.

Likewise, the counselor has highlighted the work of these companies that have selflessly made themselves available to the emergency and whose work has been fundamental in locating and caring for the animals . They also have veterinary advice to choose the most appropriate food and water intake in this type of situation.

Both companies have communicated that they will continue with these tasks, which they carry out this Tuesday for the fourth consecutive day , as long as the weather and security conditions allow it, since these are areas that cannot be accessed by land due to the high temperatures that they are reached in the perimeter close to the flows.

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