About 250 American legislators are attempting to reinstate the stimulus child tax credit payments of $300 monthly, and this time with a $2,000 baby bonus.

Some 250 lawmakers want to revive monthly child tax credit payments. (Source: USA Today)

Stimulus Child Tax Plan Revisions

This Democratic proposal, which has enough Republican support to appear to be more than simply a wish list, would make the stimulus child tax credit, which was passed into law as part of the American Rescue Plan, permanent. The law boosted the 2021 tax credit, with lower-income families with children receiving the biggest increases. It was one of President Joe Biden’s most significant initiatives during his time in office, reports from USA Today.

The revised plan will include the following, it will not count on earning anything to receive the full credit, increase the monthly maximum of the child tax credit to $250, maintain the $300 monthly young child tax credit for kids under the age of six, and give expectant parents a “baby bonus,” or an extra $2,000, in the month the child is born. According to a fact sheet from Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s (D-Conn) office, such is the case.

DeLauro stated in his introduction of the bill in June that the increased monthly payments from the stimulus child tax credit have already assisted parents in managing their finances, keeping food on the table, buying school supplies and clothes, paying for music lessons or a new pair of cleats, and managing their mortgage or rent payments.

Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington, the sponsor of a different bill, pleaded with her colleagues to build on the American Rescue Plan by bringing back this monthly payment permanently to guarantee that every child has an equal opportunity for success. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York are among the 210 supporters of the legislation. The Senate’s equivalent bill, introduced by Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, has 40 sponsors.

READ ALSO: Lawmakers Reintroduce the Expanded Monthly Child Tax Credit to Become Permanent

What about a second stimulus payment?

It is challenging to pass legislation in a split government because Republicans control the House by a razor-thin margin and Democrats rule the Senate by a razor-thin margin. Due to the rivalry between the major parties, the nation was just hours away from defaulting on its debt a little more than a month ago. It wouldn’t be easy or simple to pass another tax plan.

Despite the long odds, it might pass if it is used as a negotiating tool in negotiations over spending, giving both parties what they want: a Republican business tax reduction and a Democratic child tax credit. Conservative senators are also considering the proposal, and key negotiators in such an agreement might include Republican members of the nonpartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.

According to Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., “I think Republicans want to consider it as part of a compromise for the Democrats,” he said in a statement to Punchbowl News last month. We are aware that this is one of their main concerns, so we might be able to utilize it as a negotiating point.


According to Punchbowl News, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., declared he would utilize his position on the House Ways and Means Committee to fight for that reform. According to the publication, he declared, “This issue is not over.” It will be an active topic throughout this cycle because there are committee members like me who genuinely favor it.

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