In a groundbreaking move, the United States passed climate legislation in 2022 that holds the potential to make a substantial impact on the country’s emissions.

Why the US Inflation Reduction Act is a very big deal | Op-eds – Gulf News
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US Act

Known as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), this comprehensive legislation aims to significantly reduce overall emissions compared to 2005 levels by 2035, according to a recent analysis. However, experts caution that while the IRA is a crucial milestone, it falls short of meeting the country’s commitments under the Paris Agreement.

The IRA encompasses a range of measures, including tax credits for clean energy, initiatives to enhance energy efficiency, and incentives to promote carbon capture. Researchers utilized advanced computer models to evaluate the legislation’s potential impact. Their findings indicate that 2035 emissions could be reduced by an impressive 43 to 48% compared to 2005 levels. In contrast, emissions would decrease by 27 to 35% below 2005 levels without the IRA, based on Anthropocene Magazine.

One noteworthy aspect of the legislation is its emphasis on the power sector, which is anticipated to play a crucial role in emissions reductions. Experts predict that nearly two-thirds of the overall emission reductions will come from this sector, resulting in a significant decline in electricity-related emissions. The IRA is poised to accelerate the development of solar and wind power, surpassing growth rates that would be achieved without this legislation.

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The transportation sector is also expected to experience a significant reduction in emissions due to the IRA’s focus on promoting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). By 2030, it is estimated that EVs could comprise 41% of all cars and light trucks sold, representing a substantial increase compared to the scenario without the IRA. While this transition may entail higher electricity costs, it is projected to yield long-term energy savings for households and businesses.

Despite the positive impact of the IRA, experts caution that it alone is insufficient to meet the United States’ climate targets fully. Similar to many other nations, the U.S. has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the Paris Agreement. However, the analysis reveals that additional measures and efforts are necessary to bridge the gap between the IRA’s impact and the country’s climate goals.

While the IRA signifies a significant stride in narrowing the emissions gap, experts emphasize the ongoing challenges and the imperative for continued action to address climate change effectively. The legislation’s impact is undeniably positive, but it falls short of completely aligning with the U.S. climate targets for 2030. This underscores the necessity for sustained commitment and a multifaceted approach to combatting climate change effectively.

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