TurboTax Settlement

The $141 million TurboTax settlement will soon be released and be given to Iowan taxpayers after they were scammed into paying for free tax services.

TurboTax Settlement
Iowans will start receiving their part in the $141 million TurboTax Settlement. (Photo: Hindustan Times)

$141 Million TurboTax Settlement

There have been a lot of settlements filed for the past few years and that includes the TurboTax settlement. In May 2022, a multistate TurboTax settlement was announced among the 50 states and that includes the taxpayers in Iowa.

In a published article in CBS News, around 4.4 million Americans will benefit from the TurboTax settlement. In  Iowa alone, around 35,000 taxpayers will receive their part in the $141 million TurboTax settlement after they were tricked to include it in their federal tax return.

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How Iowans Will Check and Receive their Part of the $141 TurboTax Settlement?

According to a published report in Des Moines Register, eligible Iowans received an email that they qualified for the TurboTax settlement or they were contacted by settlement fund administrator, Rust Consulting.

Meanwhile, Atty. General Bird said, “Tax season is already stressful enough for many Iowans. No Iowan struggling to make ends meet should have to fear being taken advantage of by deceptive business practices when filing their taxes. Thanks to the bipartisan coalition of all 51 AG’s, hard-working Iowans are being repaid the money they are owed.”

However, Iowans can contact the Iowa Attorney General’s office at 888-777-4590 if they have not received the TurboTax settlement check by mid-June.

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By Neil