The big power companies ask to limit the regulated tariff to vulnerable consumers. They demand a transitional period for the passage of non-vulnerable consumers to the market.

Aelec, the employer association that brings together Iberdrola, Endesa and EDP, has asked for the current PVPC regulated tariff to disappear in order to advance in the spirit of the European directives and limit it to vulnerable consumers, an extreme that the Executive may still delay until 2025.

From ael? C ensures that they share the reflection of the Ministry that it is paradoxical that consumers with less spending and market knowledge, as well as those less inclined to seek alternative offers, are those who are most exposed to the volatility of the price of the electricity.

The Government recently decided to open a public consultation to reform the current price setting system. With this measure, which already expects to introduce the result of the future primary energy auction with a weight of 10%, it should serve to set the new calculation system.

The intention of the Ministry of Ecological Transition is to have this reform ready by the beginning of the year, so that the large industrial contracts can already be linked.

Spain is, at the moment, the only country in Europe where there are regulated electricity rates linked to the daily market, compared to the rest of the countries that have rates with more stable prices or, directly, have already eliminated the regulated ones, in line with the objective pursued by the European Electricity Market Directive.

Aelec also assures that it is necessary to propose measures that allow progress in the replacement of indexation to the daily market by an indexation to forward markets, as well as setting a transitional period for the passage of non-vulnerable consumers to the market.

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