Sánchez considers the trip to the US a success despite not achieving any commitment Sun73nplanet. It has managed to place Spain “on the radar” of investment funds. Defend the rescue of the airline Plus Ultra.

Driven by the need to raise 600,000 million euros of private capital, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has made a three-day trip to the United States to convince the main investment funds and large companies that “the moment to investing in Spain is now “.

Despite not having met with the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and not even having stopped in Washington, Sánchez considers that he has managed to place Spain “on the radar” of investment funds for short and medium business decisions. term.

After stopping in New York and Los Angeles, where he detailed the investment opportunities offered by Spain, Sánchez believes that potential investors are called to play an important role in the transformation and digitization of the Spanish economy that will promote the Recovery Plan and European funds.

However, despite meetings with Apple CEO Tim Cook; the heads of other companies such as HP, Intel, Qualcomm, Linkedin, Paypal and Levi’s; representatives of companies such as Zoom, Youtube or Sentinel; and from attending a meeting with Blackrock, President Pedro Sánchez has not managed to close any specific commitment.

As indicated by sources collected by El Mundo , this failure is due to the demands of the great funds of New York and Hollywood, which put Sánchez in the position of choosing between giving in on these issues or remaining faithful to some political objectives declared by the Government , including the labor reform and taxes.

Criticism of the opposition
Given the criticism of the Popular Party to this tour of the United States and the fact that he has not met with its president, Joe Biden, Sánchez has urged him to decide which side he is on .

“You will have to decide which side you are on, which side you are on, whether on the side of recovery and speaking well of Spain so that there is more investment, or on the side of tension and confrontation, something that citizens do not deserve. Spaniards, “he pointed out.

Regarding a future meeting with Biden, he affirmed that his Government “always has the machinery activated” for whenever possible, but insisted that this time the objective of the trip was fully economic .

He has also addressed the opposition to point out that, despite the “noise” it causes, the Government is moving forward and is managing to carry out all its measures .

Plus Ultra Rescue Defense
Sánchez has also taken the opportunity to defend the rescue of the airline Plus Ultra, in reference to the stoppage by the judge of the public rescue of the company and his decision to grant five days to this airline to justify the need to deliver the 34 million euros that must still be received from the fund managed by the State Society for Industrial Participations to help strategic and viable companies hit by the pandemic.

Faced with this decision, the Chief Executive has stressed that he is leading a government “that complies with the law , is transparent and is scrupulous with everything that has to do with the action and disbursement of public resources.”

He has indicated that he has nothing to say to the decision of justice and has repeated that the Government “has complied with the law, is scrupulous with the use of public resources of all Spaniards and has absolute transparency.”

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