On Thursday, New York City authorities announced to re-examine a gay bar where unsolved homicide cases, drugging, and robbery reside.

Gay Bar NYC

The announcement was made on Thursday that unsolved cases in a gay bar in New York should be re-examined. The City Police Department dealt together with the city mayor to re-examine a gay bar where several victims of drug-induced robbery schemes need to be justified. The recent case they dealt with was last year’s case — the death of Julio Ramirez and John Umberger, killed in April and May. Reports stated that there were at least 16 victims of this gay bar involving LGBTQ.

The last allegation that was made by the victims was not properly and thoroughly examined by police officers.

According to the NBC published article, there is an online form to be filled out by the victims’ relatives if they want to reopen the case of the victims. Several cases of murder have not yet been solved by the police and this request will be checked by the police commissioner and will be facilitated by the Detective Bureau.

The NYC mayor stated, all residents should feel free to go and enjoy the night anytime and anywhere, the case of Julio and John brought fear not just to LGBTQIA+ but also to the people in NY. He said that they should enjoy their nights without having fear to go home.

According to the reports, there were 6 men arrested in connection to the crime scheme but only 3 faced murder charges. The investigation led to the deaths of Ramirez and Umberger. Police say that they are still waiting for unsolved cases from other victims’ reports to be solved.

In December 2021, there was a report from Tyler Burt that he was robbed and drugs after going to a gay bar. The report from Burt was not thoroughly investigated so when he spoke to the NBC News regarding his situation, he was scolded by a detective for speaking with the media.

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