Tax funds were spent on jobless benefits and they should have been issued for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jobless benefit questions | WWLP

Tax relief funds

The lawmakers are trying to figure out if the Baker administration misused the fund of $2.5 billion for jobless benefits instead of spending it to cover the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Senate President Karen Spilka, they are still finding out what happened to the tax relief fund and it will be announced in the next two weeks, so it is too early to even speculate on the issue.

According to Spectrum News, legislative leaders were shocked to learn that the state would be responsible for almost $3 billion in mandatory tax relief, putting an end to their plans to pass the specific tax relief proposals, which are still being discussed in Beacon Hill.

This matter was only noticed by officials due to an audit from the outside firm which failed to catch the error, Healey addressed. This fund was pulled in 2020 by mistake, thinking it would be for the jobless benefits rather than allocating the money for covering the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lawmakers are still finding resolutions to minimize at least the impact of this issue in the Commonwealth. They prioritize now the solution to this problem especially since it involves a large amount of money.

As of now, lawmakers, the Senate, and Governor are trying to gather facts to solve this situation. Click here to catch more information.

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