The pandemic has had an exponential impact on the transformation of work . A transformation that has been accelerated especially by the implementation of new technologies and the need to maintain the activity of companies, ensure continuity and at the same time respond to people’s expectations.

The current context requires people to work in radically new ways, whether remotely through technology or in person with safety and social distancing procedures in place. As a result of these transformations, fundamental changes emerge in the corporate culture , with new formulas to promote motivation, creativity and collaboration as some of the key values ​​in the companies of the future.

In the hybrid work model , reinforcing the idea of ​​purpose that gives meaning to the work and generates a solid and cohesive corporate culture will be key to avoid risks of behavior that is far from values, lack of connection with the organization or the feeling of isolation on the part of remote workers. This cultural identity will be clearly marked and will differentiate companies with a defined and embedded purpose as a business guide and impact.

According to the survey of 500 professionals in Approaching the Future 2021, at CANVAS we elaborate Sustainable Strategies and Corporate Excellence ?? Center for Reputation Leadership, to face these challenges, 29.9% of organizations are working as a priority to adopt new ways of working . And for the next three years this is one of the trends in which they will invest their resources the most.

Regarding the areas that should be prioritized to adapt to the future of work, professionals especially highlight five factors: talent and training (52%), the development of new agile methodologies (47.3%), the digitization of management processes (44.7%), telework (44%) and flexible hours and work-life balance (42%).

At the same time, it is observed that in large companies, time flexibility and work-life balance is the area that professionals consider should be prioritized the most to adapt to this new reality. In SMEs, however, talent, training and new agile methodologies are identified as the most urgent areas.

The transformations necessary in companies to adapt work organization to a new reality will not be quick or easy, but they will be necessary to boost productivity and innovation , while protecting the well-being and work-life balance of workers.

According to the professionals consulted, the greatest challenges that their organizations identify to adapt to the future of work consist of obtaining more resources for digitization (46.7%), followed by the adaptation and integration of new technologies (43.3%), and the training of new professional profiles (40.7%). In addition, the respondents identify two relevant challenges at a strategic level, such as the lack of a long-term telework plan (38%) and the resistance to these changes by senior management (27.3%).

Although technology and digitization drive development, they also generate a greater social gap with the consequent inequality of opportunities in terms of productivity and capacity for innovation. On the way to a digital hybrid society, countries and organizations must promote training in technology and digitization, but they will also have to value the characteristics that differentiate human beings from technology such as critical thinking, creativity , empathy and collaboration.

In addition to the pressure and stress that can arise in people who work from home, it should be taken into account the changes that teleworking has brought about at the social level. People who work from home often lose relationships with colleagues, they question the purpose of their work and this often makes them unmotivated, and they probably lose productivity. How to keep people motivated and committed to all these changes? Organizations face the great challenge of promoting the sense of purpose and shared belief system in people who work from home, with the care of well-being in a comprehensive way, including mental health.

The organizations and the people who work in them will be the ones who mainly define what the future of work will be like. The trend indicates that those who bet on agility, collaboration and conciliation will overcome the challenge of transformation. All of this from the purpose and corporate values ​​as essential elements to generate a sense of belonging, strengthen the corporate culture and internal alignment, with an exponentially greater efficiency than the traditional compliance and control systems that will become obsolete in the company of the future.

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