Pennsylvania State Police are on high alert as the manhunt continues for escaped fugitive Michael Burham, who slipped out of the Warren County jail on Thursday night.

Authorities hunt down Michael Burham | Fox News


Burham, a former Army veteran with survivalist and firearms training, was being held on charges of kidnapping and related offenses, as well as suspected murder and rape in New York. After his escape, he was believed to have fled into the forests along the Pennsylvania-New York border.

Authorities revealed that Burham managed to make his way from the jail’s gym to the rooftop, using a makeshift rope crafted from bedsheets. Wearing a denim jacket and the jail’s orange-striped jumpsuit, along with matching Crocs, he vanished at around 11:20 p.m. While there have been reports of possible sightings in both states, law enforcement officials suspect that Burham is still within Warren County or its surrounding areas.

Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens disclosed on Monday that they believe the fugitive is receiving outside assistance. He warned that anyone aiding Burham would face prosecution. With over 150 officers from state, local, and federal agencies involved in the search, authorities are determined to apprehend him swiftly, according to Fox News. 

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Since early Friday, law enforcement has diligently pursued leads, investigating possible campsites in the area. Although several burglaries and break-ins have occurred nearby, including the tragic killing of a couple’s dog and theft of clothes, authorities have yet to establish a direct connection between these incidents and Burham’s movements. While the suspect has relatives in the area, police have not commented on their level of cooperation.

“We anticipate that at some point he will make a mistake, and when he does, we will be prepared to capitalize on it,” declared Lieutenant Colonel Bivens.

Joining the manhunt, U.S. Marshals have offered a reward of up to $9,500 for information leading to Burham’s capture. The escaped fugitive, who served in the Army Reserve for over 11 years, is considered armed and dangerous.

Burham’s alleged crime spree began in May, involving the shooting death of a New York woman and the abduction of a Pennsylvania couple who were later found in South Carolina. On May 22, he was arrested after being tracked down in South Carolina, where a stolen car was discovered containing a note addressed to his father.

As the search for Burham enters a critical phase, law enforcement remains committed to bringing him to justice and ensuring the safety of the public.