A couple from Florida was arrested for drowning and torturing a 6-year-old boy caging him in their bedroom.

6-year-old child tortured in dog cage | Daily Mail

Torturing a child

A couple from Florida, Alize, and Tre Seymore, allegedly tortured and caged a 6-year-old child, Anthony, before drowning and locking him in the bathroom. According to the investigations, the couple starved the young boy and forced him to be locked up in a room full of urine and feces. The young boy suffered deep torture and severe injuries from his mother and stepfather. The suspects were arrested and charged with multiple counts of aggravated child abuse and tampering with evidence in the death of Anthony Rouse.

According to Law and Crime, police officers and medics responded to a report from a home in Eagle Lake that a child was drowning in a bathtub. At exactly 3:20 pm on April 22, 2023, they responded to a case of a child; medics went on to revive the victim. He was rushed to St. Joseph Hospital in Tampa and placed on life support but was eventually pronounced dead by the doctors.

During the investigation, police found messages exchanged between the suspects, which show the happenings before and after Anthony’s death. Alize allegedly told the police that Anthony urinated on himself. Hence, she locked him up in a bathroom with no electricity and windows, so the toilet was expected to be dark inside. The couple would lock the boy in their bedroom like a prison and keep on telling him to “swim” — which meant to “drown,” and by drowning, it means forcing his head to soak in the bathtub.

The police also found other children in their homes. On May 3, one of the children was interviewed by the police. According to the child, the suspects would reward them – with candy if they tortured and beat up Anthony. The child also told the police that their parents were threatening them if they said anything to the police. The sibling told the authorities that he saw how the victim was drowned by their father; in short, he was standing outside the bathroom while his stepfather drowned his sibling.

The other children who survived in the hands of the suspects were put under the care of the Department of Children and Families. Authorities have arrested the couple, and they expected that multiple cases would be charged against them.

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