Beer labels are much more than just a way of identifying your product. They can help you stand out from the competition and create a memorable brand for your beer company. If you own a beer company and want your labels to stand out, here are some tips for designing eye-catching labels.

Keep it Simple

A label with too many elements or overly ornate designs can be confusing and distracting. Instead, focus on a simple design that conveys your brand’s message and stands out from the crowd. Limit your color palette to a few that help convey your branding. For instance, lots of cool beer labels often use bold blue and white to create a modern, eye-catching look.

Add Images

Including a relevant image on your label can be a great way to tell a story about your beer and create an emotional connection with potential customers. Please choose an image that speaks to the flavor of your beer or its origin to give it personality and make it more memorable.

Make Sure it’s Legible

While you want your labels to stand out and be unique, you must also ensure they are easily readable. Use high-quality images and fonts that can be seen clearly, even from a distance. If the text on your label is too small or hard to read, it defeats the purpose of having a label.

Use Bright Colors

Bright colors will attract attention and make your label stand out among other beer labels. Choose colors associated with your brand and work together harmoniously to create a balanced, attractive design. Experiment with metallic inks and foil to give your labels a special touch.

Consider Special Finishes

Special finishes like embossing or debossing add an extra level of sophistication to your label design. These treatments can make your labels pop and give them a luxurious feel that won’t go unnoticed.

Include Your Logo

Your beer label should prominently feature your logo, making it easy to spot on shelves and in coolers. This will help create brand recognition and make your product easier to remember. When designing your logo, please keep it simple and recognizable for the best results.

Use Unique Fonts

The fonts you use on your labels can make or break the success of your design. Choosing a unique font that stands out from other beer labels will draw attention and help differentiate your product.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Experiment with unusual shapes, textures, typography, or illustrations to make your labels memorable. However, be careful not to go overboard and ensure the design is still legible and easy to read. Make sure your design is iconic and easily identifiable with your brand.

Incorporate a QR Code

Incorporating a QR code on your label will allow people to quickly access additional information about your product with their mobile devices, including nutritional information, food pairings, or the history behind your brand. It can help you build an audience and gather valuable customer data.

Keep it Consistent

Ensure that the labels across your entire product line are consistent in terms of visuals and messaging. This will help create a cohesive brand identity, even if you have multiple types of beer. It can also help customers easily recognize your beer regardless of which type they pick.

Consider the Size

Your label size should be proportional to the amount of information you want to include. For instance, consider using a larger label if you have a lot of text and imagery. Consider the size of the bottles or cans you will be using. Make sure your labels fit and won’t come off when handled.

Seek Feedback

Once you have a label draft, consider getting feedback from friends or family who will be honest about what looks good and needs improvements to ensure that your design is the best it can be before printing it out.

Hire a Professional

If you’re not confident in your design skills, consider hiring a professional to help create labels that will make your product stand out. A professional designer can help ensure that your label looks amazing.


Your label should be an extension of your branding and communicate your company’s personality and your beer’s flavor. With creative thinking and attention to detail, you can create labels that will turn heads and draw customers to your product.

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