At the gates of the end of summer, when many countries had set great goals when it comes to vaccination, South Africa has detected a new variant of covid-19 that could jeopardize plans to end the pandemic. Known as C.1.2. , is still in the investigation phase due to the possible risks that it may generate.

The Delta variant is so far the mutation of the coronavirus that has generated the most difficulties worldwide in terms of vaccination, infections and deaths. A barrier that makes the fight against the pandemic difficult , but that while trying to eliminate it has witnessed how a counterpart creeps into the field threatening similar consequences.

Originally from South Africa, the C.1.2. Variant, as it is known at the moment, was first detected in May although its capacity has not been valued until now. “With up to 59 mutations”, as has been reported by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases of South Africa (NICD), for the moment the World Health Organization (WHO) has not described it as worrying .

This is how C.1.2 works.
However, there are many investigations that are being given on this variant, in order to clarify all doubts about its potential. And it is that despite its tremendous mutability, it is not certain that it can escape vaccines. “Based on our knowledge of the mutations in this variant, we suspect that it could partially evade the immune response , but despite this, the vaccines will continue to offer high levels of protection against hospitalization and death,” the NICD noted.

What are your symptoms?
With symptoms similar to those detected by the coronavirus in general, it is also known that its presence in South African cases in June was 1% , while in July it was 3%. Still very insignificant numbers, given that the Delta variant was responsible for 67% and 89%, respectively.

In which countries is it present
Of course, already widespread in almost all the provinces of South Africa, it has also been detected in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Switzerland, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritius and New Zealand . All while the investigations are taking place and they are trying to clarify all the doubts, in order to stop it in the constant fight against covid-19.

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