Mapfre launches a new socially responsible investment unit linked. Mapfre has launched ‘Multifunds Compromiso ESG’, a new unit linked that invests in funds with environmental, social and good governance (ESG) criteria. More information on sustainable products in the Economist Sustainable Investment and ESG.

It is an individual savings product, unit linked mode, with a single and periodic premium, in which additional contributions may be made.

As reported by the insurer, the product consists of a basket of funds and will have the possibility, in the future, of having different baskets, cataloged by risk profiles or themes, all of them made up of funds that meet ESG criteria.

Customers who contract this new product have the possibility of having the savings from the effect of the policy, through total or partial redemption. In addition, this modality provides an additional guarantee to your accumulated savings in the event of death.

“It is made up of a selection of the best national and international funds with ESG criteria, thus showing our commitment not only to our clients and their investment, but also to our role as a socially responsible company”, highlighted the director of business development Vida of Mapfre Spain, Raúl León.

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