Wade Allen (Courtroom photo from the Sturgis Journal; Allen’s mugshot from the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office via Coldwater, Michigan’s WTVB)

According to the report released by Law and Crime last May 22, 2019, a man named Wade Allen, 39 years old, was arrested due to the murder and dismemberment of the body parts of her girlfriend.

The Suspect Denied the Allegations

Wade Allen (Courtroom photo from the Sturgis Journal; Allen’s mugshot from the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office via Coldwater, Michigan’s WTVB)
Wade Allen (Courtroom photo from the Sturgis Journal; Allen’s mugshot from the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Office via Coldwater, Michigan’s WTVB)

The relationship between the couple was said to be on and off and used to have disputes and fights about no certain matters. The victim named Kelly Jean Warner was murdered, body was cut into pieces and placed in a man’s cooler in his apartment. He added that he had already apologized to the families of Kelly, but no words can comfort the pain and grief of the victim’s family.

Allen refuses to admit the alleged accusations of murdering her girlfriend. At the age of 39, he was sentenced to 39-60 years of imprisonment for choking, murdering her girlfriend, and cutting her into pieces. In addition, Allan said that Warner has diabetes and other health issues that might cause her death.

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Reports from Court Documents

According to the court documents, the couple was frequently fighting each other for no particular reason. Kelly was a loudmouthed person, during their fight, Kelly was sarcastic and due to the anger and rage of their argument, Allen accidentally killed her.

As stated in reports of the Michigan sheriff’s office, the chopped body parts of Kelly were found placed in two coolers in warrantless research conducted. Allen mentioned to his cellmates about the murder of strangling her girlfriend to death and how he cut her body parts into pieces before he placed them inside the cooler. 

When Allen found out that he was backstabbed by his cellmates, the details he shared were passed on to the authorities, Allen sexually abused one of his cellmates as a retaliation.

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