According to the published news by AP News, a man holding a knife stabbed four children and two adults at a lakeside park in the French Alps and repeatedly stabbed a child in a stroller.

A 31-year-old Syrian man was identified by the police as the suspect in the incident. French authorities have confirmed that the man was recently rejected for asylum in France since he had been already granted permanent residency and refugee status ten years ago.

According to the Witnesses’ Reports

The man was roaming around the park ambushing victims using his knife. According to video footage in a park, the man was wearing a blue scarf covering his head and a dark sunglass while flaunting and waving his knife, people are frightened screaming for help. The man shouted “In the name of Jesus” while waving his knife above the sky. The suspect gashed a man approaching him trying to help the screaming woman pushing a stroller in an enclosed park. The woman tried to fight off the attacker but she could not keep him from leaning over the stroller and stabbing downwards repeatedly. Another witness stated that the attacker was running after some grannies, caught a grandpa, and repeatedly stabbed him.

Line Bonnet, the Lead prosecutor stated that the motive of the suspect is clearly not terrorism-related but is yet to be determined. The four child victims are suffering critical knife wounds. The oldest child of the four children victim is 3 years old, two of them is 2-year-old and the youngest of them is 22 months old. Two adults were also involved in the said stabbing incident. One of them is also in critical condition.

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On Police Investigations

The suspect was found living in the Annecy area and had been transferring from here and there. He was exiled to Sweden. The suspect was granted permanent residency in 2013 according to Swedish Migration. The agency did not identify the suspect but they stated that the suspect was repeatedly applying for citizenship all applications were denied.

According to Gerald Darmanin, a French Interior Minister, the suspect entered France legally, and for no determined reason, the suspect wants to apply for asylum in Switzerland, France, and Italy, given that he already an asylum in Sweden 10 years ago.

Google and YouTube have stated that they already put age restrictions on the videos uploaded related to the incident in adherence to policies against graphic violence. Socials (Facebook and Instagram) also did their part in the videos uploaded.

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