Many people think that the logo of an IT company must contain an image of a computer. This is such a trivial and hackneyed theme that such compositions are hardly perceived by the target audience anymore. Therefore, it is worth creating a more creative logo for the IT company, to stand out against the background of other organizations. But what is needed for that and how to do it properly – let’s understand!

How to create a logo – a step-by-step guide

Creating a quality logo for an IT company may not be as difficult a task as it seems at first glance, To do it, you only need to follow a few steps, which will be discussed below. 

Create a few drafts

In the early stages of creating a logo, you may have a few ideas that you want to express in a logo. Don’t neglect them, it’s better to write them down, perhaps some will come in handy when creating the final logo.

Sketch a logo design

A sketch is a quick and easy way to put ideas on paper, where you can evaluate them more easily. Don’t erase or throw away sketches. Designing is not a linear process. All ideas can be valuable, even if you don’t think that way right away. If you can’t draw, don’t feel bad. You can try sketching out a logo using screenshots. Go to the Turbologo online logo generator website and try to find the images you like, then save them. You can then use them when creating your unique logo.

Choose the tools for creating a logo

You can create a logo using:

  • Graphic programs – Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop;
  • Logo ordering platforms – 99Designs:
  • Online services and designers – service from Turbologo.

If you are confident with graphic programs, no doubt use them to create a logo. But you should not neglect online services either. You can use them for finding inspiration or testing ideas.

Create a logo

The next step is to proceed directly to the design of the logo. This requires almost nothing, you just need to spend a few minutes of your free time. It is important to do everything competently, paying attention to every detail without missing any important points. Once the logo is created, you can move on to testing it.

Test the logo

Have you created a logo and decided it’s perfect? It probably isn’t. It’s more effective to show the logo to colleagues, friends, and some clients and get feedback. Ask them a few questions: what do they think of the logo, do they like it? If the answers are satisfactory to you, then you’ve done everything right. However, be careful with feedback from friends and relatives. If they are not professional designers, their advice may not be quite useful to you or even false.


Creating a logo for an IT company is a complicated and time-consuming process. However, with a competent approach and the use of auxiliary programs, the task is greatly facilitated. If you want to create your unique graphic sign, then you can’t do without Turbologo! This tool will allow you to create a logo for your IT company in minutes, making your company attractive, stand out, and unique in its way!

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