Pensions for permanent disability are those that, by their nature, require a greater number of procedures. Not only do you have to request them, but in the same application process you also have to prove that there are sufficient medical evidence to be entitled to receive them.

The process is long and subject to various medical reviews aimed at illustrating the sentiment of Social Security, the institution ultimately responsible for deciding whether to grant disability (partial, total, absolute or severe disability) and, consequently, the pension.

There is no specific catalog of diseases that give the right to a pension. The degree of influence that the disease has on the daily life of the aspiring pensioner is taken into account and it is for this reason that the decision to grant the pension responds to multiple causes and is different in each case.

However, there are certain diseases with which there are more options to obtain a pension , according to the experience of accumulated cases. The specialized law firm Campmany Abogados deals with this type of process and, according to its own history, registers a series of ailments with which it has traditionally had more options to obtain the benefit.

-Chronic renal failure

-Kidney transplant



  • Hearing loss

-Ménière syndrome

-Breast cancer

-Lung cancer

-Rectum cancer

Digestive system
-Ulcerative colitis

-Crohn’s disease

-Morbid obesity

-Chronic pancreatitis

Internal Medicine

-Systemic lupus erythematosus

-Chemical sensitivity

-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

-Perthes disease


-Cervical hernia


-Serious pathologies of the hand, hip, shoulder, elbows or feet

-Horsetail syndrome

-Rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis

-Behcet’s disease

-Ankylosing spondylitis

-Chronic fatigue


-Sleep apnea

-Professional or occupational asthma

-Respiratory diseases caused by amian


-COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)


Mental illnesses
-Drug addiction, gambling or alcoholism




-Limit of personality or post-traumatic stress

-Burnout syndrome

-Anxiety disorder

-Bipolar disorder

-Obsessive compulsive disorder





-Cardiovascular diseases

-Atrial fibrillation

-Pulmonary hypertension

-Acute myocardial infarctions

-Mitral regurgitation


-Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome


-Tetralogy of Fallot




-Multiple sclerosis


-Myasthenia gravis


-Peripheral neuropathy


-Arnold Chiari, Lambert-Eaton and Post Polio Syndromes

-Cranoencephalic trauma

-Retinal detachment


-Optical neuropathy

-Loss of vision


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