More than 8,000 people over 60 years old study languages ​​with 8Belts, of them, more than half (4,656) are over 70 years old. These figures confirm that for many people learning another language is a pending subject that they want to pass.

Nobody disputes that to learn other languages ​​it is best to start as a child, even as a baby. However, nothing prevents you from learning a new language when you have reached the third age, on the contrary, this period of life is an ideal time to set the purpose of mastering another language.

A study that rejuvenates
Today we know that brain plasticity allows us to change and learn regardless of age, and study acts like a gymnastics for the brain, keeping it active and dynamic. Learning a new language improves our cognitive abilities and keeps our brains healthy. In addition, it improves the sociability of the elderly, expands their social relationships, their activity and has a positive impact on their mood and emotional health. All these activities improve memory and help delay and minimize the effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or senile dementia.

Older people have a number of advantages over young people when it comes to learning a new language . They have greater cognitive development, which facilitates the integration of linguistic knowledge that is new to their long experience in learning and in life. It also allows them to make all kinds of associations, very useful when learning, with the advantage that they know the techniques that best they work for them. In addition, vocabulary expands over the years, making it easier to understand grammatical concepts and abstractions. Also, the motivation is much higher.

8Belts method
The 8Belts method is ideal for older people. Being 100% online allows them to learn where and when they want. It is fun, easy to use and dynamic and makes it easy to interact with other students . One of its differential elements is its profitability index of the words, defined by the “frequency of use” and the degree of “combinability” of the words and phrases in the study language. By learning and using the most used words, students exponentially improve their communication skills, feel reinforced and maintain their commitment.

8Belts was a pioneer in using AI to personalize the learning method and the new algorithm adapts the method to the progress and real knowledge of each student, which it redirects depending on how they use the method, the hours they use, what have they learned? to set up a plan that adapts in real time to your progress, enhancing your experience and engagement and motivating you to follow through.

In addition, the algorithm has an intelligent listening system, which has optimized the precision with which it works, increased the learning speed and improved the review of those topics that the student has not assimilated one hundred percent, achieving an advantage of the 100% time spent

The latest version of the platform analyzes the data using Big Data to improve the experience of each student, through algorithms that learn from the use of the tool by users in real time. In this way, all students benefit not only from their own experience, but from that of all students.

The system analyzes the time the student spends studying, their learning speed, and based on this information, it enhances certain parts of the learning in which the student is weaker and spends less time on those where they have more solid knowledge.

The set of these technologies, practice from day one and a student-centered method make up the Human Student Centric System (HSCS), which allows learning a language 80 times faster than traditional systems. The key is how you learn and what you learn. It is not about learning more things but about learning better and achieving a fluency in the language from day one.

The “Human Student Centric System” model places the student at the center of the learning process and adapts to its evolution based on two main vectors: progress and consolidation of what has been learned. And does it, using all kinds of tools such as AI, gamification, voice recognition, continuous reinforcement? and the interaction with teachers? to modulate and optimize the private classes of each student.

Talk from day one
In the first week, the student has conversations and is using the cognitive part of the brain, which processes and generates language, which requires more effort to learn, but saves what has been learned better, enhancing fluency and memorization. The system knows what information has entered your brain, what it will forget and what it retains best by optimizing learning intelligently.

8Belts is based on learning what is useful and not learning what is useless, thanks to its index of profitable words, those most used in the language, learning twice with half the effort. “The key – indicates Fernando Moreno – is to learn what is useful and not learn what is useless. And our algorithms achieve that the utilization rate reaches 100%.

And there are two ways to achieve this: By preventing students from forgetting what they have learned and deliberately excluding less relevant information. “

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