Industrial prices rose by 5.2% last September compared to August, their highest monthly increase since February 1975 , which has meant that they have risen 23.6% in the interannual rate, almost six points more than in September 2020 . In addition, there has been a record growth over the last 44 years, due to the increase in energy prices , according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE) on Tuesday.

With this year-on-year rebound, the highest since December 1977, industrial prices have registered nine consecutive months of year-on-year increases.

The advance in September is mainly due to the increase in energy prices by 14.1% , the highest since December 1982, due to the higher cost of electricity production, as well as the increases in the prices of electricity. intermediate goods by 0.9% and non-durable consumer goods by 0.3%.

Thus, among the sectors that drove the rise in industrial prices in September, energy stands out, which increased its annual variation 18.6 points, to 59.8%, its highest rate since the start of the series , in January 1976, due to the increase in the cost of the production, transport and distribution of electrical energy and, to a lesser extent, of the production of gas and oil refining. Specifically, the contribution of this sector to the general index is almost five points, specifically 4.893 points.

Intermediate goods, on the other hand, increased their interannual rate seven tenths, to 16.8%, due to the higher cost of the manufacture of basic chemical products, of the manufacture of basic iron products and of the manufacture of products for the animal feeding.

Regarding non-durable consumption, goods also increased their interannual rate by two tenths, to 4%, due to the increase in the cost of the manufacture of other food products and the processing and preservation of meat.

Gap and Autonomous Communities
Excluding energy, industrial prices showed a year-on-year increase of 8.8% in September, four tenths more than in August and almost 15 points below the general rate, this gap also being the highest rate since January of 1985.

The annual rate of the industrial price index increased in September in all the autonomous communities compared to August. Among these, the largest increases occurred in the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands and Asturias, with increases of 17.4, 16.2 and 16.1 points, respectively. For their part, Catalonia, the Valencian Community and La Rioja had the smallest increases in the monthly series, with increases of 2.1, 2.6 and 2.9 points, respectively.

The regions where industrial prices have risen the most since September 2020 are Asturias (61.5%), the Canary Islands (53.5%), the Balearic Islands (50.8%) and Andalusia (38.6%), while the lowest advances correspond to La Rioja (9%) and Navarra (2.9%).

The largest increase, in Asturias, is mainly due to Energy, where the increase has been 30.1% in monthly terms, 118.8 so far this year, and 124.1% compared to September 2020.

In general, at the end of September, all the Autonomous Communities presented positive data in the register of industrial prices.

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