A trapped driver was rescued by the deputy both of them almost got drowned.

Flood across Escambia County Screenshot from the body camera of Hollingsworth (Source: Fox News)

According to the news report released by Law and Crime, Deputy William Hollingsworth was deployed to patrol around on rainy streets. He saw drivers caught in flood by the fast-rising water because of the heavy rainfall.

Deputy rescue mission

The deputy saw a trapped driver before he went out from the patrol car, he radios the station to notify them that he will be helping the trapped driver. Right after them, he walks in the direction heading to the location of the trapped driver. As he walks, he saw that the driver was getting pulled underwater. In his eagerness to help the driver, he soaked himself in underwater water too trying to pull the driver being sucked into a pipe.

The deputy could not handle the heavy current sucking inside the pipe, so the deputy and the driver were swept inside the pipe under the four-lane road, plunged into the water, and traveled about 100 feet before they got spit out on the other end of the road.

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The Public Service of the Law Enforcers

Deputy Hollingsworth tried to calm down the driver terrified of what they had experienced. He was heard in his body camera, “Can you believe what just happened to us?”, the driver answered, “I almost died”. The deputy has never held his breath that long and described that he almost died too. The driver exclaimed in happy tears thanking God that they are still alive. And was able to survive.

Responders called an ambulance before the driver head out inside; he thanked the deputy.

The deputy explained to another deputy what happened to them. He explains after he saw the man going down sucked by the pipe, he also goes down trying to pull the man against the suction, due to the heavy suction, the of them get sucked inside the drain pipe, traveled underground, and got spit out on the other side of the highway.

A social media posted by the sheriff’s office called the incident an example and exemptional courage showcased by the people of the law enforcers every single day.

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