The Death of the Alleged Suspect was Unknown

According to the news reported by CNN, the United States Marshall released a statement that Nathan Carman died under federal custody. The cause of death was not yet determined. The charges against Nathan shall be dismissed as filed by the states. Vermont US Attorney’s office has no further comments on the dismissal.

Prior to the dismissal, a trial was scheduled to begin in October. The judge would have handed down a mandatory life sentence for the charges of murder that Nathan has been convicted of, a minimum of 30 years in prison was to be sentenced to Nathan as stated by the Vermont US Attorney’s Office.

Report on the Accusation of Her Mother’s Death

In May 2022 Nathan was arrested and pleaded not guilty to fraud charges and a murder charge of the death of his mother, Linda Carman. It was said that Nathan was found by a Chinese freighter adrift in a life raft alone in 2016 week after they began their trip off the coast of New England to go fishing together with her mother.  Through the freighter, he then contacted the US Coast Guard to ask for help. According to the recording of the Coast Guard, as Nathan explained that he was bringing the safety bags forward, the boat dropped out under his feet. By the time he saw the life raft, he lost his mother in his site. The dead body of Linda was never recovered.

According to the local who had a small talk with Nathan, noticed that he removed the trim tabs of the boat. It is a device that helps the boat steer to make the engine fuel efficient and to have more control of the boat. And when the local asked Nathan about it, he did not get an answer.

Based on the statement released from South Kingstown Police affidavit, the two who agreed to go fishing has different final fishing destinations. Linda told her friends that they will be going 20 miles off Rhode Island, while Nathan told the local man they are going about 100 miles offshore.

The Carman family is already known to police investigations, in 2011, the mother, Linda Carman was arrested for the alleged assault of her 85-year-old father John Chakalos. Chakalos was a wealthy real estate investor. His estates exceeded $42 million. The said case was never prosecuted and was eventually dismissed as Linda claimed self-defense.