Based on the report published by the AP News, two men were arrested in a shooting in Farsta. Two unidentified people were killed in the said incident.

People wounded and Killed in the Shooting

A total of four people were hit by the man bringing an automated weapon fired openly around 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 10. Two unidentified people were killed in the shooting, one 15-year-old boy and another 43-year-old man, and the other two are wounded.

One of the witnesses was a 60-year-old woman who was unlocking her bicycle. She heard 5 successive gunshots, later she noticed that she was bleeding and found she was hit in the knee. She immediately looks for a shelter to lean on and seek help.

According to the police report, a total of 21 gunshots have been fired by the unidentified suspects. They strongly believed that the shooting incident was influenced by domestic terrorism.

Criminal Cases Involving Gang Increases

Criminal cases of gang bombing, drive-by shooting, open firing, and grenade attacks were increasingly growing. Most attacks occurred in Sweden’s three largest cities, Stockholm, Malmo, and Goteborg.

Based on the compiled reports, there were 114 shootings happened this year with a tallied 18 fatalities. Those shooting incidents wounded 41 people including the bystanders.

The Government of Sweden promised to discuss gang-related crimes and violence on what means they could do to tighten security and law enforcement.