Criminal charges are now faced by a 32-year-old woman who registers in Boston high school falsifying her identity.

32-year-old woman charged with posing as high schooler
A former social worker posed as a student in three Boston schools over the last year. (Source: ABC News)

School Administrator’s Action in the Incident

Based on the reports released by ABC News, from the police incident report, a woman named Shelby Hewitt 32-year-old Boston woman, also known as Ellie a resident of Canton, Massachusetts. She recently enrolled at an English School until authorities found her falsified documents.

According to the police report, administrators began investigating the situation after a guy claiming to be Ellie’s father stated that he was withdrawing her due to bullying. School administrators were confused since she was just enrolled a week ago, there could be a custodian issue with her parents.

According to the complaint, school administrators discovered that a social worker named on her enrollment documents did not appear to exist and phoned 911.

According to the report, a check of Hewitt’s bedroom yielded numerous fake documents, including those from the Department of Children and Families. According to the report, investigators suspect she illegally identified herself as someone individual to “obtain services from the Boston Public Schools” at three high schools between September 7, 2022, and June 14, 2023.

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Suspect’s Charges and Mental Health

Hewitt will be facing charges of six offenses including identity fraud and forgery. Boston police stated Wednesday afternoon that she had not been formally arrested. Her father stated that Hewitt needs mental therapy.

During the criminal investigation, the school district notified families about the event last week. In a letter to families on June 20, Boston Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper stated that an adult woman registered as a student this academic year using false identification and papers.

According to Skipper, the adult woman has been “discharged” and ordered to keep away from BPS facilities. He added that in the S.Y. 2022-2034, there was also an individual named Jeremiah E. Burke High School of Brington English High School who registers under multiple pseudonyms. Families and students who have interacted with this individual were notified by school administrators including an investigation. School administrators did not receive any reports so far of harmed students or staff by Hewitt.

Skipper lauded district employees who “caught” this after noticing problems with the student’s enrollment and alerting Boston police in a statement earlier this month.

An adult betrayed the trust of our school communities by posing as a student, claimed Skipper. It appears to be a very technical fraud case. Following the finding, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu told reporters that there didn’t seem to be any “harm or risk” to pupils.

Wu stated that they are currently investigating so that we can discover all the intricacies of what took place and what the possible driving force was

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