After the summer holidays, the return to work and routine arrives, so it is the moment in which many people decide to hire a domestic helper to be able to carry out the multiple tasks of the house. The question that is generated in many of these people is the same: “How many hours does this person have to work to have to register for Social Security?” .

The answer is simple: There is no minimum . There is an obligation to register any person who performs domestic services and receives remuneration in return. However, there are some factors to consider.

People included in the Special System for Household Employees
For a person to be included in this system, they must meet a series of requirements:

  • Be over 16 years old .
  • Provide exclusively domestic services for one or more owners of the family home, or a group of people who live in the same home as a family.
  • That these services are provided in the house that the owner of the family home and other people who make up the home inhabit .
  • That he receives a salary or remuneration of any kind for this service .

Even Social Security foresees a last assumption, although it occurs to a much lesser extent. Spanish domestic employees residing abroad, at the service of diplomatic, consular representatives and State officials, officially assigned outside of Spain, may request their inclusion in this Special Regime, which will be granted to them provided they meet the other requirements.

People excluded from the Special System for Household Employees
Similarly, there are also a number of people who do not have to be included in the system, even if they provide domestic services.

  • Relatives of the owner of the family home by consanguinity or affinity up to the second degree, except female relatives of celibate priests, who live with them.
  • People adopted or taken in in fact or in law.
  • People who provide friendly , benevolent or neighborly services.
  • Drivers of motor vehicles, at the service of individuals, gardening and nursery, when said activities are not part of the set of domestic tasks.

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