Comes the fall , one of the seasons of the year most anticipated by fans of mycology , and that is the best time for gathering mushrooms in the mountains and forests of the Spanish geography. The drop in temperatures, the rains and the absence of strong gusts of wind are the fundamental factors for the different types of edible mushrooms to grow, such as chanterelles, boletus or champignons.

One of the most consumed varieties is the poplar mushroom , also called poplar, which appears at any time of the year, as long as the weather is good. In this sense, they can be found all year round, but the temperature and humidity must be adequate. That is why it is more common to see this fungus during the autumn months, since rainfall in the form of rain is abundant.

What are their characteristics? How to find it?
As detailed in the specialized platform Fungipedia, the poplar mushroom has a hat between 4 and 10 centimeters in diameter in a hemispherical shape that tends to flatten. It is generally brown in color, although as it ages the tones become lighter. The plates are creamy white and later ocher and somewhat tight. The foot is long, thin and very fibrous.

These mushrooms have a very pleasant taste and that is why they are so consumed among the population . But how do you find them? When do they appear? In general, poplar mushrooms grow after the rains and with the drop in temperatures. The poplar mushroom grows in a fasciculated way on trunks, stumps or roots of trees, both poplar and willow, elm or alder.

On the other hand, this species of fungus can also bear fruit in warmer times when humidity is high, such as in August. September and October are the months of greatest production and generally grow from a week to 15 days after the rainfall.

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