Haya Real Estate, a company specialized in debt and real estate asset management, has just launched Fenix, a new, highly flexible digital tool that manages the activity related to the entire debt recovery cycle in a comprehensive and more efficient way. With this new tool, the servicer hopes to optimize its work in this area by 15% and its objective is also to attract new customers.

As explained by the company to elEconomista , the system is designed to manage any type of debt , whether owned by retailers, developers, financial institutions and investors.

Specifically, Fenix ​​allows Haya to manage more than 40,000 asset files worth more than 15,000 million euros .

As the firm explains, with this tool, Haya Real Estate becomes “the first servicer to have a technological solution of these characteristics, which combines all the areas involved in the process: debt recovery , negotiated possessions, formalization and location of intervening parties “.

In this sense, Daniel Lopez, director of Haya Real Estate’s Debt Services area, highlights that “with this project we have wanted to improve the debt management of our clients through a new platform in both mobile and desktop, which is to contribute in a very positive way not only to the portfolio management of our current clients, but also to the acquisition of new clients, since it will allow us to be much more efficient and differentiate us from our competitors “.

The four pillars of Fenix
In the first place, the Fenix tool includes an operational one aimed at Haya’s managers and lawyers , in which the proper recovery procedures of all its assets under management are carried out and recorded.

Additionally, a mobile App is included for face-to- face managers , with the aim that they can obtain all the information in real time from their mobile device. This app also allows geolocation, registration of visits, taking photographs, signing and digitizing documents in situ, and even incorporates a virtual POS function to facilitate a possible payment at any time.

The third aspect of Fenix ​​is ​​intended for the intervening parties , who can consult their files in an irregular situation, as well as carry out the total or partial cancellation of their positions directly through a web portal that has all the necessary security requirements . This web portal also allows you to simulate payment plans, view the possible evolutions of the process, as well as interact directly with the manager assigned to each file.

Finally, the tool offers a portal for Haya clients where they can consult, in real time, all ongoing actions related to the retrieval of their files. Likewise, proposals can be sanctioned from the client portal, in addition to allowing direct contact with the Haya team assigned to each project.

Technology for more efficient management
Fenix ​​has “an advanced communications system and an exclusive process for contactability and location of interveners, called skip tracing , which allows any location action to be initiated as soon as the system registers a request, initiating a specific search process that identifies the needs and specialties of each type of intervener to be located in order to maximize the success of the search “, explains the company.

Likewise, the system integrates a “formalization” module with which the recovery cycle would be completed by coordinating the signature , control, monitoring and connection with the rest of the areas involved in the process after the incorporation of the asset in the management balance for its correct and rapidity. commercial availability.

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