In a Manhattan crossroads, a mother pushing a stroller inside her two-year-old was hit by a GrubHub delivery driver riding on an electric bike before he drove off, according to authorities.

A hit-and-run cyclist believed to work for Grubhub struck a woman and her toddler son in Lower Manhattan on Saturday, police said. (Source: New York Post)

GrubHub Driver Hits Mother Pushing a Stroller

At 8:30 in the morning, Betsy Reed, 42 years old, was going against the light. When the GrubHub delivery driver struck them while traveling south on Broadway at Park Place and Broadway near City Hall, the toddler was thrown to the ground, according to the police. The GrubHub delivery driver did not say any statement to the parents of the 2-year-old boy.

At Bellevue Hospital, the mother and son received care for their cuts and bruises. A surveillance photo of the suspect was made public by the NYPD on Thursday night, and he was recognized as a probable Grubhub delivery driver. According to the boy’s father, Toby Niren, the only injury was a bruise to his head. According to a Grubhub delivery drivers’ spokesman, the business is investigating whether or not he is a driver for the app.

Nirens, a real estate professional, and Reed, a vice president of technology at an investment firm, agree that law enforcement should take stricter action against careless riders especially GrubHub delivery drivers. With those e-bikes whizzing about everywhere, the situation is quite unsafe right now. Crossing the sidewalk, red lights, and other obstacles. We’re fortunate that this time nothing worse occurred, said Nirens.

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