The Government has decided to reduce from 10% to 5% the reduction that landlords must apply in the price of rents to obtain the reduction in income tax of 90% of the net income, the maximum provided for in the draft Law for the Right to the House.

The reason for the change, which sources from the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma) have confirmed to EFE , is that with the 10% drop in prices it could not compensate the discount for a good number of landlords and, therefore, it would not be effective as an income containment mechanism.

The preliminary draft of the housing law, which the Council of Ministers plans to approve next Tuesday, establishes a general deduction of 50% for new contracts, adjustable according to various criteria up to 90%.

On October 5, the Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, advanced after the meeting of the Council of Ministers some of the measures of the future housing law agreed by the Government partners.

Among them, Bolaños highlighted this bonus of up to 90% of the rents obtained by owners in the event that the rental price drops compared to the previous contract, and confirmed that for large holders (with more than 10 rented homes) there will be measures to control prices in stressed areas.

Bolaños, who also confirmed that there will be a surcharge in the IBI for empty homes , assured, however, that the new rule will take into account “the different existing competences in the matter”, both regional and municipal , for which he indicated that they must It is the autonomous communities that request whether or not they want to apply price control in stressed areas.

Specifically, the regulations foresee a surcharge of 150% of the IBI for empty flats and a regulation of the rental price to lower the rents in homes in the hands of large owners, taking into account benchmarks in stressed areas .

In the same way, large owners will be considered to be those who have ten properties or more. Government sources indicated that the price control for large owners will only apply to legal entities , not to individuals, even if they have more than 10 leased properties.

The new housing law also contemplates allocating 30% of promotions to protected housing , to expand the public housing stock, while 15% of that figure will be for social rent.

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