In the second half of 2021, the news that is attracting the most attention for investors is the energy crisis that is taking place globally, which has led to a crazy rise in the price of natural gas, which is splashing prices per barrel of oil and is also being noticed in inflation rates, one of the issues that most concern analysts at the moment.

More expensive energy, if it ends up triggering inflation, can force central banks to accelerate their withdrawal of stimulus, and it can also end up being a drag on global growth. There are already some factory closures due to not being able to cope with energy prices and there are those who warn, as is the case with Goldman Sachs, that, due to high energy prices, there is a delay in consumption they expected to be produced in the United States.

However, as investors, you can take advantage of the increase in the prices of the main energy resources , such as gas and oil. The European Brent barrel already rises 61% in the year, and this week it has exceeded 84 dollars for the first time since 2018.The rise has been vertiginous and, although there are analysts who consider that the crude production deficit will continue in In the coming months, the reality is that buying crude at current prices does not promise to leave the same upward trend that the barrel has experienced so far this year.

The most attractive oil companies
However, the world’s major oil companies remain an attractive option to invest, in the opinion of experts. Among the listed oil companies that are engaged in different businesses within the oil world (known as integrated oil companies), not a single one has a sales recommendation at this time (among the companies that have at least 4 analysts following them) .

These good recommendations can be found, despite the fact that it is a sector whose performance in the year stands out above that of other listed businesses: in Europe, for example, the Stoxx 600 Oil & Gas accounts for 21.4% so far this year, compared to the 14.6% advance of the Stoxx 600.

Although the oil companies have already started the year with good prospects for experts, in 2021 the majority have improved their estimates even more. Taking as a reference the integrated oil companies (those that distribute their activity between production and other practices, such as refining petrochemical products or distribution), in the 20 firms that have a purchase recommendation and that have improved their target price the most since On the first day of the year, the increase in this regard ranges from 128% to 18%.

Oil quadruples its price in 17 months after touching $ 80
Oil quadruples its price in 17 months after touching $ 80

Kelt Exploration, a small listed oil company in Canada, less than $ 1 billion in size, is the firm on the list that has increased its target price the most for the year, almost 128%, leaving it now with a potential upside of almost 22%. Behind her is Cenovus Energy, another Canadian with a price target that has grown almost 120% since January, and now has a potential of almost 20%.

In third place comes another firm with a small capitalization, Earthstone Energy, a US company that is dedicated to extraction using the technique of fracking (hydraulic fracturing), and which has seen its target price grow 114% in the year, leaving it now with a potential of 45%.

Gazprom and Rosneft
If only companies with a capitalization of more than 50 billion dollars are taken into account , the two Russian companies , Gazprom and Rosneft, are the ones that have seen their target price grow the most in 2021 , 84.4% and 44%, respectively. , and now they defend bullish potentials of 16.4% and 10%.

Bank of America highlights in its latest report on European oil companies the attractiveness of the two companies at this time. “In this context of high commodity prices, our preference is on Gazprom and Rosneft, as they have the highest exposure to oil and gas prices,” they explain.

“Gazprom’s dividend policy is heading it towards the highest dividend in its history, 42 rubles per share (a yield close to 11%), while the big question for Rosneft is how much the rise in oil will affect dividends. of the company “, they assure.

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