Fresno Housing

Thousands of homeless and eligible residents in Fresno County can now apply for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher.

Fresno Housing
Fresno Housing application is now open. (Photo: PATCH)

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

Fresno Housing has finally opened the application for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program after four years. Following the announcement of the county, many homeless and those who were denied before lined up and applied for the program.

In a published article in ABC30, this federally-funded program has helped around 13,000 eligible low-income residents in Fresno County in terms of rental assistance. Likewise, it also helped them to meet their basic needs and to have safe and quality housing.

Brandi Woodard, voucher program chief, said that 30 percent of the income in Fresno County goes to their house rent. He also added that this is the reason why the voucher program is very important.

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Statements of Residents About the Housing Choice Voucher Program

According to a published article in Yahoo News, Joel Ortiz Devillate said, “Worrying about how I am going to pay my bill today – how I’m going to pay my bill today, how am I going to do this, going to do that. I don’t want to end up homeless.”

Another resident who applied to the program said, “We are trying again – God will see – he has a plan, we don’t know what it is yet, but he has a plan for us. You don’t realize how much you miss a bathroom or a shower every other day at least.”

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By Neil