The cloud

Cloud computing has been experiencing a boom for the last few years, with global spending on services reaching £46.3 billion in the first financial quarter of 2022, according to research from Canalys. Statista ran a survey which looked at the increased use of cloud services and found that storing and creating files and office documents was the largest reason for implementing cloud technology to their business.

Utilising cloud services to their fullest is a great way of helping push your business in a more tech-savvy direction. But like all technology, it will continue to evolve and provide new ways of making your processes more efficient.

In this article, we’ll look at four emerging trends in cloud computing that continue evolving and will positively influence your business.

Hybrid & multi-cloud

When it comes to the cloud, no two systems are the same. From little intricacies to huge interface differences, there might be some that work best for a particular function or process but don’t cover everything you need. As a result, using more than one cloud system might be a solution.

This is where hybrid and multi-cloud structures come in. Multi-cloud means using different public services from several providers to cover what you need. While they can become difficult to manage, embracing this approach means you can take the best parts of the top cloud solutions on the market and create a solution that matches exactly what you need. This gives you more options for customisation and can help avoid being locked in to just one vendor.

Hybrid cloud is similar but with the key difference of including a private cloud server managed on-site as part of the combination. This means investing in and using a publicly available cloud server as well as building an in-house infrastructure and having them work in tandem. Being able to shop around for the systems that fit your specifications is a great way of not selling yourself short on what you need for your specific processes and giving yourself more flexibility. Public cloud software can often come with some data bottlenecks with lots of people using it at once, but the cost savings it can offer are a huge positive.

Serverless computing

When you’re spending money on a service, you want to know that it’s not going to waste. This is especially true if you’re trusting another company with something as important as the servers that host your website. For some companies, they have built applications that require a server to host it, and they may spend a lot of money to make sure its infrastructure is secure.

Serverless computing has revolutionised the concept of hosting applications. This method of backend service means that you’re only paying for what you use data-wise, making it far more cost-effective. The infrastructure of the servers is also handled by the vendor, so developers don’t have to worry about scaling too much and can focus more on development.

Cloud security

Cyber security is a huge talking point when it comes to technology. Businesses and even governments with any online presence or connection to the internet are at constant risk of hacking and having information stolen or whole accounts taken over. The UK government has even begun asking for companies currently using cloud databases to assist in building a proactive solution for outages and infiltrations.

The focus on cloud security and how it can be improved to avoid any potential damage to business and information will help to develop it more. This could come in the form of training that includes how to identify and avoid potential threats or the inclusion of awareness messaging.


One of the key purposes of technology is to simplify and streamline processes that require a lot of manual input. This automation can also be applied to cloud software, as implementing it to your servers can mean that the infrastructure can be adjusted automatically without developers or engineers having to use precious manhours to do it manually.

This can help improve the quality of life for the systems in several areas. Automation improves security by removing the human error of multiple engineers and IT technicians from the process of checking important systems that could be exposed to people with malicious intent. Updates and backups are also made significantly more efficient once they’re set up, as they can carry out both functions without the need for human interaction.

The best thing about technology is that it’s constantly changing and evolving, which makes it even more crucial to keep an eye on how these trends continue to develop. There are always more ways for cloud software to add new and exciting features and keeping updated can help you get ahead of the curve on trends.

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