Like workers with their wages, many pensioners receive the annual amount of their pensions in 14 payments. Thus, after receiving what is known as ‘summer pay’ in June, in a few weeks these citizens will collect what is called ‘Christmas pay’.

Not all pensioners will receive it, but quite a few will: all pensioners with contributory retirement, widowhood, orphan pensions, in favor of relatives and permanent disability due to common illness or work accident will receive Christmas pay in November. They will also be joined by pensioners with non-contributory retirement and disability pensions who will receive this extra in their pension.

All these citizens will see how, in practice, they will receive double the amount paid to them for the rest of the months. This is because this Christmas payment will be added to the monthly amount, which will be an advance gift from Social Security for the Christmas holidays.

The amount of the Christmas pay, as well as that of the ordinary pension, will reach the pockets of pensioners in a couple of weeks. In a practice that banks increased with the coronavirus pandemic, the date for collecting pensions is advanced a few days, so that from Monday, November 22 to Thursday, November 25, these payments will have already been made.

There are entities such as Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Ibercaja, ING, Cajamar, Caja de Ingenieros or Banco Sabadell that undertake to pay pensions on the 25th of each month (in some cases it is the 24th), as long as it does not coincide in a public holiday, in which case payment is delayed until the next business day. Other banks such as Unicaja or Bankinter even advance them a couple of days.

Since there are no holidays or weekends from November 22 to 25, this month there will be no delays and, depending on the entity that pays the pension, payments will be made without exceptions. In any case, they will always take place a few days before what is set by Social Security, which requires the entry of pensions between the first business day of the month and the fourth calendar day , at the most.

What will be the amount of the Christmas pay
To find out what the amount of the Christmas pay will be, the pensioner will have to simply go to the method of calculating the pensions that determines his monthly pension: the last 24 years are taken into account to prepare the regulatory base and subsequently the years contributed in total to know what percentage of said regulatory base can be charged.

However, there is a maximum amount for pensions that cannot be exceeded, 2,707.49 euros per month. This would be the maximum amount of Christmas extra pay, while the minimum amount of pensions is determined by Decree-Law 46/2021, of January 26, which revalued contributory pensions by 0.9% and non-contributory pensions by 0.9%. 1.8% . The minimum amounts depend on the type of pension received:

Retirement pensions

-For people under 65 years of age: people with a dependent spouse charge a minimum of € 797.90 per month, people with a non-dependent spouse charge at least € 609.60 per month and people without a spouse charge € 645.30 per month. month.

-For people 65 years or older: people with a dependent spouse charge at least 851 euros per month, people with a non-dependent spouse charge 654.60 euros per month and people without spouses receive 689.70 euros per month. People who come to it for a temporary disability of great disability receive minimum pensions of 1,276.50 euros per month with a dependent spouse, 981.90 euros per month with a non-dependent spouse and 1,034.60 euros per month if they do not have a spouse.

Widowhood pensions

In the case of people under 60 years of age, the minimum amount is 522.50 euros per month, for people between 60 and 64 years old this minimum amount of 645.30 euros per month, for people 65 years of age or over or a disability of at least 65% the minimum amount is 689.70 euros per month and people with family dependents have a minimum amount of 797.91 euros per month.

Permanent disability pensions

-People with severe disabilities with a dependent spouse have a minimum pension of 1,276.50 euros per month, those with a non-dependent spouse will receive at least 981.90 euros per month and people without a spouse receive at least 1,034.60 euros per month.

-People with total or absolute permanent disability of 65 years or more charge at least 851 euros per month with a dependent spouse, at least 654.60 euros per month with a non-dependent spouse and at least 689.70 euros per month without a spouse. People between 60 and 64 years old charge at least € 797.90 per month with a dependent spouse, € 609.90 per month with a non-dependent spouse and € 645.30 per month without a spouse. Finally, pensions of this type derived from common illness and for those under 60 years of age are at least 508.50 euros per month in the case of a dependent spouse, at least 504 euros per month with a non-dependent spouse and at least 508 , 50 euros per month without spouse.

-People with partial permanent disability of people 65 years or older after work accidents have a minimum pension of 851 euros per month with a dependent spouse, of at least 654.60 euros per month with a non-dependent spouse and 689.70 euros monthly without spouse.

Pensions in favor of relatives

These pensions have a minimum amount of 210.80 euros per month, but they go up to 509.40 euros per month (480.10 euros per month for people under 65 years of age) if there are no orphans or widowed pensioners and when it is a single beneficiary.

Orphan’s pensions

The minimum amount for these pensions is 210.80 euros per month, although it rises to 414.70 euros per month in the cases of people under 18 years of age or with a disability of at least 65%.

Non-contributory retirement pensions

These pensions have an amount of 402.80 euros per month that become 100.70 euros in the cases of the minimum pension of 25%. In the event that in the same living unit there are two pensioners with the right to collect this pension, the amount will be 342.38 euros per month for each one and if three or more people live with that pension, the amount would be 322, 24 euros a month for each one.

Non-contributory disability pensions

The amount of these pensions in general is 402.80 euros per month, although it rises to 604.20 euros in cases of increase due to disability. As in the previous case, if there are two pensioners in the same living unit, the pension is 342.38 euros per month and if three or more people live with that pension, the amount will be 322.24 euros per month.

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