Izaac Murillo found guilty of beating a 2-year-old toddler to death; child’s injuries can be compared to a severe car wreck.

Izaac Murillo | Law and Crime

Man found guilty

According to the Superior Court Judge, Izzac will spend his lifetime into 54 years of prison to life on charges of a first-degree murder and assault to his girlfriend’s 2-year-old son. Murillo, California, 29, spend the rest of his life in prison for 54 years of beating and violently caused the child severe injuries that would most likely be comparable to an injury from a car collision.

The press release from the prosecutor’s office said that the incident happened on July 24, 2015, when the police immediately took action after a call from a certain resident that a child was beaten up to death.

The medical responders rushed the boy to the hospital where he was unresponsive and not breathing, later on pronounced as dead.

During the trial, in Law and Crime, Murillo pleaded no contest to the accusations of domestic violence, false imprisonment by violence, child abuse, and possession of metal knuckles.

Reports from the prosecutor stated that the child suffered from severe injuries such as distended abdomen and genital areas, internal injuries, bruises can also be found on the boy’s head, and face. Doctors also told the detectives that the child suffered from severe internal bleeding that is caused by lacerations. The victim’s bowel was the one that is mostly damaged.

The child’s mother, Adriana Vasquez, 29 also suffered from bruises on her left eye and face. She stated that Murillo was violent and kept on physically abusing her and her child. He restrained her in the bedroom with a rope againts her will.

Murillo denied the accusa of being the cause of the child’s death and the bruises his girlfriend had. While Murillo was arrested for sufficient and complete evidence, his girlfriend, Adriana was also arrested of endangering her children by using methamphetamine. She received an eight-year prison sentence for being guilty of child abuse.

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