The president of the Foment de Treball employers’ association , Josep Sánchez Llibre, has strongly charged against the “irresponsibility” and “negligence” of the Government of the Generalitat regarding its position in the proposed expansion of the Barcelona Airport .

The employers urges the Government to rectify and show “unanimous support” for the expansion to open an in-depth dialogue and approve the expansion: “Dialogue and agree”, has concluded Sánchez Llibre, who has demanded that the Government “have only one voice “of support for the expansion of the airport proposed by Aena, which would involve an investment of 1,700 million euros and the creation of 365,000 jobs.

The president of the employer’s association has affirmed that the suspension of the announced extension has caused “indignation” and “perplexity” so that the businessmen “will not be stopped before so much irresponsibility” that supposes an “economic ruin” and “mortgages the work of the company. youth in the future “.

In a harsh speech, Sánchez Llibre has acknowledged that the Government “has not been up to the task”, it has not had a “serious” and “solvent” position, with internal discrepancies that have wrongly located the natural space of La Ricarda in the center of the debate, showing a “serious irresponsibility” and leading the Catalan economy to ruin.

The president of the employer’s association has also charged against the “political filibustering” of the Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, by opposing the project in defense of La Ricarda in a show of “intolerable disloyalty” with the Government of Pedro Sánchez. He has also criticized the position and the “negligence” of the Barcelona City Council and other city councils.

This situation of lack of understanding between the Government and the Generalitat supposes for Foment an example of international ridicule and that the businessmen “will not remain with their arms crossed” and will try to build bridges to reach an agreement this September to give free rein to enlargement, by understand that this situation “is not irreversible”.

Disagreement and social media
The employer’s association Pimec, for its part , also showed its “concern” on Thursday about the “grotesque situation” that has led to the rejection of the expansion of the Barcelona airport, which requires an urgent solution. In the opinion of the president of Pimec, Antoni Cañete, it is necessary to reach an agreement for the expansion without focusing the debate on a protected space “that cannot condition the general interests or a common good for the majority.”

In his opinion, there are technical solutions to minimize the maximalist positions that oppose the expansion of the Airport’s operations for environmental reasons.

Cañete considers that the expansion of the airport would open opportunities to place Catalonia in a first division and it is not admissible for economic and business activity to lose an opportunity for growth due to the inability to dialogue between the Government and the Generalitat. “If in the end the disagreement was based on statements on social networks, it would be irresponsible,” said Cañete, who is confident that a way of dialogue can be reestablished.

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