A shooting incident in Kansas City led to the death of three individuals while others were reportedly injured and wounded based on the published report of CNN.

Victims of the Shooting Incident in Kansas

Kairon Greene, 26 years old, a Kansas City man, was one of the two suspects charged with assault after the shoot-out on early Sunday at an auto shop where the two-hour party was hosted.

Police authorities identified the 3 victims who died were Jasity J. Strong, 28 years old, Camden M. Brown, 29 years old, and Nikko A. Manning, 22 years old. Meanwhile, the six other injured were declared safe and in non-critical conditions based on the police report.

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Suspects were Charged and Arrested

Jackson Country Prosecutor, Jean Peters Baker charged Greene with second-degree murder in Brown and Manning’s homicide, a second-degree felony on Strong’s death, two counts of criminal action, and assault which was charged the day after the crime took place.

Baker said that the motive for the shooting appears to be started by a small dispute and an ongoing investigation still continues.

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